
Monday, September 17, 2007

Securing a Debt Consolidation Loan

It's the day you've been waiting for the last two weeks... payday and the only time when your face lights up and you actually go to the office with a lot of wonderful, dreamy thoughts in your head - such as how fast you'll be able to bolt out of the office and get yourself down the to nearest mall and you can already smell the Caffè Verona® you plan on ordering at Starbucks. Either way, you seem compelled to impulsively spend all of that hard-earned cash on something that in all likely-hood you can do without. Like that dress you'll probably wear just once or the Egyptian silk sheets that you've been drooling over ever since you noticed that Jessica Simpson on Newlyweds sleeps on in luxurious comfort. Never mind they are actually worth fourteen hundred dollars... but like you always tell yourself - you deserve it. Besides, what's the harm in rewarding yourself for a job well done? You deserve some pampering too.

You may even find yourself making plans at some luxurious spa, to sample of their relaxing (not to mention, extremely costly) facials, massages or treatments. After all, you work hard and so you've definitely earned it since you've been stressed out all month long from your hectic schedule and tight deadlines.

On the other hand, have you ever even thought of saving... even occasionally putting a portion away for a rainy day? Have you thought about you future? And if it actually involves those Egyptian silk sheets that you just purchased or the designer coffee that you simply cannot seem to get enough of - is it really worth it?

Unfortunately for too many, sooner or later reality sets in and when it does it hits them like a Category 5 hurricane and they wake up they realize (hopefully not too late) how deeply they've buried themselves in an oppressive amount of debt. And they also realize that they have absolutely nothing to fall back on in order to get themselves out. You could simply hand in the towel and declare bankruptcy (many do) however, an alternative, less stressful and smarter way to go, is to at least initially, look into getting a debt consolidation loan.

The thought of a debt consolidation loan may not be all that enticing to most of the debt saddled, but then again what's the alternative - bankruptcy or paying minimums on your credit cards at 20% interest for the next 20 years? Unfortunately for those of you who have nothing in your savings or other assets to tap into, it may be your best option and perhaps the first really smart financial decision you've made in quite awhile.

You are clearly aware that a ton of companies offer debt consolidation loans, just the fact that you are reading this article attests to the fact that you've done some type of internet search related to debt or debt consolidation. You just have to be honest about your finances or whatever it was that you were doing with your money (when you still had some) so that whomever you decide to go with to try and secure that debt consolidation loan will be able to provide you with an accurate scenario of your financial present and future.

The past is... as they say, history. You really have no choice but to simply move on, walk away from your past mistakes and hope that you've learned something useful. And then, incorporate those lessons into your future dealings with money and hope against hope that your debt consolidation loan will be approved so that you can take the overwhelming burden of debt you've saddled yourself with and leave it far behind.

As you search for a debt consolidation loan make sure you do your due diligence by shopping around and asking questions whenever you feel lost by the "financial jargon" or the whole process in general. If you do your part, you'll greatly increase your chances or working with a reputable company that's not out to take advantage of your current poor financial situation.

A final bit of advice, virtually all Loan Officers work on commission and so it's in their best interest to... 1) Make sure you get the loan and 2) Charge you the highest interest rate possible and the highest possible fees and still make the deal. That being said, don't ever take the first quote you get for rate and closing costs as the best deal you can get because it very rarely is. While shopping, make sure the companies you are working with know that your shopping around tell them straight out that you will give your business to whomever can come up with the best deal and who's is upfront and honest from the get-go.

Never forget that you are in charge (regardless of your current financial state) and if you don't feel comfortable with your lender or what's being presented then simply move on until you find someone who treats you with the respect and dignity you deserve.

Locating a Bad Credit Mortgage

If you are looking to purchase a home or refinance the one you are currently living in, but believe this may not be a possibility for you because you have bad credit, think again.

Just because you have bad credit does not mean you will not be able to receive a mortgage. In fact there are many lenders out there across the United States that are know as wholesale lenders that specialize in lending money to people with bad credit.

The names of these wholesale lenders may not ring familiar to you because they are not the typical lending institutions you see on the street corners of your town, otherwise know as banks.

The first thing you will need to do is locate a few of these wholesale lenders and shop around for a deal you believe to be fair. If you do not have success finding these lenders on your own, you may want to consider using a broker and have them shop around for you.

A broker is not a lender. What they do is assess your situation, than shop around for a lender that deals with bad credit mortgages.

Brokers have access to hundreds of lenders across the country and they can usually find one that has a program that may fit your needs.

Using a broker may not be such a bad idea, they are usually very experienced in their field and will not only find a bad credit mortgage lender for you, they will also council and educate you along the way.

Keep in mind, just because your credit may be less than perfect, does not mean that you are at the mercy of the mortgage companies, you are not.

Mortgage companies are very competitive, especially among the wholesale lenders, so be sure to shop around. Don’t limit yourself to contacting only one broker, say no more than four. Allow for each to assess your situation, than base your consideration of which one you will use on the rate and program that they offer you. Good luck.

Small Business Loan Basics

Many people who wish to start their own business need an injection of financial capital at the beginning of a business; the main source of funding for entrepreneurs is business loans.

Let's take a look at what you should expect if you plan to apply for one.

First of all, you should know that most lenders have their doubts when it comes to lending money to a first-time business owner. You're considered a high business risk at this point, and you should go in to your loan negotiations armed with a few advantages. Of course, the ideal option is to run your business for a few years, even just out of your home, and turn a good profit before approaching a bank for a loan.

That shows that you have the ability to make money and that your business won't flop before the Open sign shows up on the door. But if this isn't possible, if you need the cash before you can begin at all, then chances are you will need to offer some type of collateral. Collateral can be anything from your car to your home and everything in between. Depending on the size of the loan, you may require some pretty hard assets for collateral. The lender is not interested in whether or not your business will make money, aside from the extent that will allow you to pay them back on time. They simply don't want to lose out on the loan, and so you'll have to find some way to back yourself up.

Backing up your loan with assets, if you have them, is a good route - provided you have enough confidence in your financial situation to ensure you are not going to lose your collateral. If you don't have enough assets to stand in for your loan, another option is to find a cosigner. Chances are you won't get as much cash as you would if you had the assets. But having someone with good credit who is willing to sign onto your loan and promise to pay if you don't can be the factor that gets you through the door. This is a good way for friends and family who believe in your business to help you get it off the ground, even if they don't have the money to loan you up front.

When it's time to borrow, do some comparison-shopping among banks and credit associations, and don't stop until you find the lowest interest rate possible. You're already gambling a lot here- minimize the amount you will have to pay back by doing your homework and choosing the company that offers you the best deal. If you can't get enough to cover your beginning business expenses, consider borrowing part of the cash from a friend or relative if you can, or even asking for investors, such as customers who believe in your business, to help out. Don't accept a high-rate, high-risk business loan just because it offers you the biggest amount.

The small business loan: The first step in a long chain of financial events. If you take the right step, it could be your leap into the business world.

The Basics of Borrowing Money

Are you thinking about starting a business but have no money to do it with? Well, you're not alone. This article will tell you the basics of borrowing money.
A loan is money that is borrowed, and has to be paid back along with interest. If the money is borrowed from an institution such as a bank, this is called a commercial loan. Money that is borrowed from a friend or a relative is called a personal loan.
The borrower, or debtor, is the business or individual that takes out the loan. The lender, or creditor, is the source from which the money was borrowed. The term, or period, is the time that is specified during which the borrower has to use the money borrowed before he has to repay the loan. The maturity of a loan is when a loan term reaches its end. The Principal is the amount that is borrowed from the lender. When you or your business borrows money, the lender wants to know when they will get their money back. Keep this in mind when you are looking for a lending source.
If the business is not able to repay the loan, the lending source has a right to legally come after assets to recoup it's money. The extent to which you are personally liable depends on the business structure your business is operating under.
If you are approved for a loan, that you will have to make scheduled payments (typically on monthly basis) plus interest. A loan can sometimes be set up as a balloon loan. A balloon loan will typically require smaller initial payments and one lump sum of what was borrowed as the final payment at the end of the term.
Borrowing from Institutions
Business loans generally fall into two main categories: short term and long term loans. A short term loan is a loan that is to be payed back within one year. Examples of short term loans include:
Working capital loans
Accounts receivable loans
Lines of credit
Long term loans are loans that are to be payed back typically from one to seven years. Long term loans are typically used for:
an expansion of a business
the purchase of equipment
real estate
Most business loans that are used for starting a business are long term loans.

When you approach an institution for a business loan, it will be looking at you as the business owner as closely as it will be looking at the business itself. One of the ways lending institutions make money is by lending money and they want to be as sure as possible that they get back their money with the interest owed.

The time between applying for a loan and learning that you have been approved (or disapproved) can vary. If you are disapproved, you may be told almost instantly. If you are approved, it may take a few days though it usually takes longer. It may even take several months to learn whether you or your business has being approved for the loan.
Borrowing from Family and Friends
If you don't want to, or can't get a commercial loan, you can consider getting a private loan from family or friends. This is usually real informal. However, you need to be careful because this can lead to ruined relationships.
If you are getting a private loan, it is in the best interest of the lender to have an agreement put in writing. The written agreement should state the principal, the interest charged and the terms of repayment. This puts the lender in better position either write off the loan on his or her tax return or to legally come after you.

Canadian Debt Consolidation

Life throws people a number of challenges often on a daily basis and unfortunately, some of those are financial challenges. The loss of a job, an illness and many other situations can make paying off loans difficult to do. Sometimes people simply overextend themselves with their financial commitments and find that they can’t always make even the minimum payment on all of their loans. People from all over the world are finding that they are running into similar financial situations including Canada. Canadians as other nationals have the option of trying to qualify for Canadian debt consolidation.

A Canadian debt consolidation loan is when a bank or other lending establishment loans an individual enough money to pay off his or her loans in order to repay back the entire amount in a single payment often at a competitive interest rate. The creditor gives the companies that are owed money, in effect taking over the loan in order to help lower monthly payments and possibly improve the credit score of a person. Not every Canadian debt consolidation loan is offered at the same interest rate, so it is a good idea to look around for the best deal.

Another type of Canadian debt consolidation is where an individual contacts a debt consolidation specialist who in turn contacts the individual’s creditors in order to make arrangements for lower payments or interest in order to satisfy the debt faster for less money. The purpose of this type of Canadian debt consolidation is to help individuals who can still make lower payments on their debts and to avoid having to file for bankruptcy. As with the Canadian debt consolidation loan, the outcome of using a debt consolidation service is to be able to make a lower monthly payment in order to satisfy debt but a good debt consolidation service allows a person to do so without taking on another debt.

A Canadian debt consolidation service works because instead of losing all of their money to bankruptcy or simply never being repaid at all, most lenders want to be able to get a good portion of their money back through a debtors payments. A Canadian debt consolidation service is trained to deal with lenders and lenders are comfortable dealing with a debt consolidation service. If an individual were to attempt to make the same type of arrangements a Canadian debt consolidation does on his or her own it isn’t likely that he or she will meet with much success.

When approaching any type of Canadian debt consolidation service, make sure that the terms of either the consolidation loan or consolidation agreement are acceptable and possible. It doesn’t make sense to get into another loan situation if it isn’t possible to make payments. If a Canadian debt consolidation service arranges to make lower payments on existing debts, make sure that those payments can be made.

Successfully using a Canadian debt consolidation service can make dealing with financial issues much easier on most individuals and can also help him or her to avoid filing for bankruptcy. The benefits of using a Canadian debt consolidation service are immeasurable and can even mean an bringing past due accounts to a current status and improving a credit score over time. If financial obligations are beginning to feel overwhelming or if bankruptcy is being considered, it would be a good idea to look into Canadian debt consolidation and see if it would feasible.

What Are Business Loans?

Business loans can be defined as money lent for a specified amount of time at a specific interest rate to a specific person or people that operate a business or plan to operate a business. This definition is very broad, but so are the various types of loans available to business people. Deciding on which type of business loan that you and your company will benefit from the most is very important. Often times, a start-up business or someone that has never owned a business will find themselves more or less applying for a “personal” loan. This can be a very risky endeavor, mixing business loans with personal loans, however, often times it is the only available means for first time business owners.

One of the first things personal business owners need to do is establish business credit. Business credit can help you get a business only loan without using your personal credit. Establishing business credit can be done by:

1.) Opening up a business credit card account and paying it in full.

2.) Buying equipment and supplies from companies that will report good standing to the business credit bureaus.

3.) Having a good business plan with potential earnings, letters of intent, and any type of customer contracts already laid out.

All of these types of endeavors can help in receiving a business loan. Often times, financial institutions require in-depth business plans, be prepared to spend days working on just the certification paperwork prior to applying for a business loan. A business only loan can be obtained in the business name without use of personal credit as long as the business can justify the loan amount and the ability to pay it back.

There are several different types of business loans available, ranging from those secured with collateral, non-secure loans, which are based upon the credit worthiness of the applicant, and even government loans for small business ventures, women and minorities. Government loans are those loans secured by the government; in most instances these loans are available when the business or owner can prove that the community will prosper based upon the business at hand. For the most part, government loans are based upon personal credit.

The basis for which you may need or require a business loan may vary. Some of the most common business loans available to business owners are:

* Acquisitions or a loan to acquire an existing business
* Inventory loans
* Account Receivable Loans
* Working Capital Loans which converts a companies assets into working capital
* Equipment Leasing
* Commercial Property loans
* Warehouse financing
* International business loans
* Franchise loans

One of the most important tools when deciding on what type of business loan your company needs is research. Researching the different types of loans available to you and your company can save you money. First, look into the different type of business loans available to you in your state. Many states have government loans available; some even offer grants, which is money available for specific purposes that do not require repayment. Research the different type of Federal loans available. You can do this at the following website: Call your local bank and investment companies regarding the business loans they have available for you. Many times, business loans are not that hard to acquire. With research and a good business plan, your dreams may come true.

Consolidate Student Loans and Shop Online

If you run a home business, you know that budgets can be pretty tight. Saving money wherever possible can be the difference between the business that succeeds and the one that fails. This article represents a broad survey of things you can do, from consolidating your student loans to getting small business deals on supplies, that will help you spend less each month.
Next Time You’re Online, Buy Something

Billions of dollars are spent each year online. Rather than suggest that you hurry and move your business online, I’d like to suggest that you add some of your dollars and cents to those billions already spent. Companies who move operations online reduce their overhead costs and often pass on those savings to you. Computers, airplane tickets, even student loan consolidation, can be purchased or arranged online. It has been my experience that I can find almost everything I want online for less than I can find it anywhere else. Next time you’re thinking about biting the bullet and making that big purchase, spend a little time shopping around online and see if you can’t save a few dollars.
Consolidate Student Loans and Get Your House in Order

Chances are good that you’ve been out of school for a while, but don’t skip this paragraph. If you consolidate student loans or other financial obligations, you will typically save a great deal of money each month on your monthly payments. Running a home business often blurs the line between personal expenses and business operating costs – do yourself a favor and make sure you have your personal financial affairs taken care of before you find yourself overwhelmed with past obligations. The government might not have cared about your credit score when they gave you those student loans, but banks looking to give business loans are a whole different story. Making sure everything is taken care will keep financial doors open that, once they’re closed, are very difficult to reopen.
Score One for the Little Guy

Believe it not, most people want small businesses to succeed. There are a lot of people willing to give you a break on prices because you own a home business, but you might need to ask about it. Office supply retailers and computer distributors sometimes offer discount prices to registered small business owners. The savings are not always monumental, but even the smallest savings multiplied over a year or two start to add up to pretty substantial amounts. Shop around to see if the suppliers you use are willing to offer you a discount on supplies or equipment.
Do Without…For a While

I’m probably not the only person that drove a car that was older than I was during college, or who ate Ramen noodles more than once almost everyday. Don’t forget the lessons you learned while you were a poor college student – the same ability to make do with what you have can save you a lot of money in the long run. I had just graduated from college and I wanted to get a new computer to replace the older, though fully functional one I was using. This was before I took my own advice to consolidate student loans, so money was still pretty tight. I wanted to kick myself when I saw that the price on the computer I bought dropped $300 in three months. Some expenses are necessary and unavoidable. For everything else, look to see if you can manage with what you have for a while longer.
Don’t Do It Alone

Nobody likes data entry – it’s time consuming, boring, and time consuming. If you find yourself spending too much of your day punching numbers into spreadsheets, consider hiring someone or outsourcing it to another company. If you think that you can’t afford the part-time salary, do an inventory of your time and see if what you would pay someone is worth the amount of time you’ll be able to invest into the meatier matters of your business.

I know I’m risking sounding like your father giving you a lecture about money, but remember that a penny saved is a penny earned. A successful business minimizes costs while maximizing profits.